The firmware generator tool that anyone can use.

We have developed an innovative approach to simplify firmware development on CAEN Open FPGA boards using the Sci-Compiler software. This software utilizes a block-diagram-based approach that incorporates a range of high-level functionalities (blocks) to conceal the real firmware coding. As a result, it becomes possible to create and compile custom firmware from a basic block diagram structure.

compile fpga

Block Building Interface

Code faster, Craft with block

Sci-Compiler uses a set of high-level functionalities (IP blocks) to mask the real firmware coding, which improves and speeds-up the R&D phase. Placing and interconnecting the available blocks on a diagram, it is able to automatically generate a VHDL code that implements the required function and deploy it to the FPGA.

This graphical approach facilitates the development of digital applications using blocks like logic gates, scalers, and state machines, and analog processing applications like custom Multichannel Analyzers, charge integration, Pulse Shape Discrimination, Waveform recording with custom trigger logic, and many others.

100+ IPs blocks

that works exactly as real laboratory instrumentation

Sci-Compiler uses a set of high-level functionalities (IP blocks) to mask the real firmware coding, which improves and speeds-up the R&D phase. Placing and interconnecting the available blocks on a diagram, it is able to automatically generate a VHDL code that implements the required function and deploy it to the FPGA.

This graphical approach facilitates the development of digital applications using blocks like logic gates, scalers, and state machines, and analog processing applications like custom Multichannel Analyzers, charge integration, Pulse Shape Discrimination, Waveform recording with custom trigger logic, and many others.


simaltion code

Automatic Firmware Code Simulation

Simulate with Ease

Sci-Compiler allows to simulate the firmware code much faster than compilation, so the user can have a quick response on how the Signal Processing Algorithm implemented in the firmware is working. In fact, it is possible to add some input to the simulation (like an external signal) and set probing points in the block diagram. In this way it is possible to monitor the electrical signal in that point.

Resource explorer

Debugging Made Effortless

Sci-Compiler offers a built-in tool, called Resource Explorer, to connect one of the supported boards and test the features of the FPGA firmware. This tool allows to manage all Local Bus readout blocks placed in the firmware diagram, therefore it gives the possibility to read and write the configuration registers (i.e. Signal Processing parameters) and shows the readout instruments like Spectrum, Oscilloscope, etc. in a GUI, so that it is possible to change the signal processing parameters and test the results of acquisition live.

compile fpga

sdk code

Sci-SDK for Dev

Make your next great Software

Sci-SDK Library is a software development kit (SDK) to help developers program their own applications for CAEN hardware running Sci-Compiler firmware. It includes a collection of software tools, libraries, and examples for different programming languages (such as C++, C#, Visual Basic, Python, LabVIEW, Matlab and ROOT), as well as documentation and technical support. The Sci-SDK Library is designed to write custom control and readout software for Sci-Compiler generated user firmware.

Firmware Everywhere

Locally or remote? It’s on you.

The Remote Customization Service (RCS) offered by CAEN is a convenient service that enables users to effortlessly obtain a customized firmware for their target board using the Sci-Compiler software. This eliminates the need for users to acquire, configure, or manage any additional resources on their own. By utilizing this service, it greatly improves the development process of FPGA firmware by offering a versatile solution that delivers quick results, enabling easy scalability when required. The CAEN Servers, located in Viareggio, Italy, ensure a high level of security and control.

compile fpga

firmware porting

One firmware, multiple boards.

SciCompiler grows with your experiment

With SciCompiler you can develop a single firmware and run it on multiple boards. You can start with the cheap and easy to use development kit. The DT1260 offers a dual channel, 12 bit, 65Msp/s digitizer that support all the SciCompiler features. You can than simply migrate the firmware to the DT5771, R5560, DT5560, V2740 ... and all the other boards supported by SciCompiler with a single click. The DT1260 has a small FPGA indeed it compile any firmware in a couple of minute. It is a perfect tool to learn how to use SciCompiler and to develop and debug the firmware.