Introduction to Sci-Compiler

An introductive view of the Sci-Compiler working principle and how the generated firmware is executed on the User Board.



Step by Step guide on how to install and configure the software on your computer.


Getting Started

All you need to know to start exploring the power of Sci-Compiler on your computer for the first time with our examples.


Design with Sci-Compiler

Familiarize with the intuitive GUI of Sci-Compiler; get to know how to program the hardware with your custom firmware; set a value in a register inside the device; readout the data inside Sci-Compiler Resource Explorer or with your own script/application.


Sci-Compiler Components

A detailed description of all the building blocks you find inside the Sci-Compiler. What is their purpose, the input and output pins characteristics and how to customize and connect them.


Read-out Data with Sci-Compiler

Easy way to Access, Store and Process the acquired data from your computer.