Open FPGA CAEN Board

Sci-compiler has been designed to generate code for the new CAEN Digitizer generation and Programmable Logic Board engineered by CAEN.
Remote Customization Service (RCS) for compilation and simulation is available for all boards, whereas local compilation is possible for some boards after configuration of the development environment by the user.
Presently, Sci-Compiler license supports the following CAEN products.

chip fpga
Model Input Channels Max Sampling Rate Local Compiler option RCS Full Specs
R5560 128 14-bit @ 125 MS/s Xilinx Vivado 2017.4 Available View
R5560SE 128 14-bit @ 125 MS/s Xilinx Vivado 2017.4 Available View
DT5550 32 14-bit @ 125 MS/s Xilinx Vivado 2017.4 Available View
DT5560SE 32 14-bit @ 125 MS/s Xilinx Vivado 2017.4 Available View
DT5771 1 14-bit @ 200 MS/s Xilinx Vivado 2020.2 Available View
DT5550W Up to 128 14-bit @ 125 MS/s Xilinx Vivado 2017.4 Available View
DT2740 64 16-bit @ 125 MS/s N/A Available View
V2740 64 16-bit @ 125 MS/s N/A Available View
VX2740 64 16-bit @ 125 MS/s N/A Available View
DT2745 64 16-bit @ 125 MS/s N/A Available View
V2745 64 16-bit @ 125 MS/s N/A Available View
VX2745 64 16-bit @ 125 MS/s N/A Available View
VX2730 32 14-bit @ 500 MS/s N/A Available View
V2495 Up to 162 N/A Intel Quartus Prime 18.0 or higher Available View
DT5495 Up to 162 N/A Intel Quartus Prime 18.0 or higher Available View
Smart Kit 2 12-bit @ 65 MS/s Xilinx Vivado 2020.2 Available View