Block Image


Input/Output components


General Purpose I/O

In sciCompiler, there are different types of I/O blocks available to facilitate input and output operations, including digital I/O and analog I/O. Each type of I/O block serves a specific purpose and provides the necessary functionality to interface with external devices. Here is a description of the various I/O blocks:

  • Digital Input Block: The digital input block is designed to receive digital signals from external devices. It typically supports selectable input direction and can be configured to operate with different digital standards, such as CMOS or LVDS. This block allows you to read and process digital data coming from sensors, switches, or other digital devices.

  • Digital Output Block: The digital output block is responsible for transmitting digital signals to external devices. It supports selectable output direction and can be configured to operate with various digital standards, including CMOS or LVDS. By using the digital output block, you can control and interact with digital actuators, displays, or other digital devices that require data output.

  • Analog Input Block (ADC): The analog input block, often referred to as the ADC block, enables the conversion of analog signals into digital data. It interfaces with analog sensors, transducers, or preamplifier, and converts the continuous analog input into discrete digital values. The ADC block allows you to measure and acquire analog signals for further processing or analysis.

  • Analog Output Block (DAC): The analog output block, also known as the DAC block, performs the opposite function of the ADC block. It converts digital data into analog signals, which can be sent to external analog devices or systems. The DAC block allows you to generate precise analog waveforms or control analog actuators based on the digital data provided.

These different types of I/O blocks in sciCompiler offer the flexibility and functionality to interface with a wide range of devices and systems. Whether you need to read digital inputs, send digital outputs, convert analog signals to digital, or generate analog signals from digital data, these I/O blocks provide the necessary capabilities for seamless integration and control within your projects.

Board specific I/O

CITIROC (Compact Imaging and Timing Integrated ReadOut Chip) and PETIROC (Positron Emission Tomography Integrated ReadOut Chip) are specialized integrated readout chips designed for use in particle and radiation detection applications, particularly in the field of medical imaging. The DT5550W is a Sci-Compiler compatible board that features CITIROC and PETIROC chips for high-performance data acquisition and processing.

In the I/O section of the Sci-Compiler, you can find various components that allow you to interface with CITIROC and PETIROC chips. These components provide the necessary functionality to control and configure the chips. More over the I/O section of the Sci-Compiler, you can find various components that allow you readout data with CITIROC and PETIROC chips in both analog and digital mode, and interface the firmware with the CITIROC and PETIROC triggers.

The slow control and configuration process for CITIROC and PETIROC involves setting up and controlling various parameters and operating conditions of these chips to optimize their performance. Here’s an overview of the slow control and configuration process for CITIROC and PETIROC like:

  • Discriminator and Time-over-Threshold (ToT): Configure the discriminator settings, such as setting the number of channels and adjusting the discriminator thresholds for energy discrimination. Additionally, the ToT parameter defines the time duration for which the input signal exceeds the discriminator threshold.

  • Fine Gain and Threshold Settings: Adjust the gain and threshold levels to optimize the chip’s sensitivity and noise performance. The gain determines the amplification of the input signals, while the threshold sets the minimum signal level required to be considered as a valid detection event.

  • Channel Masking and Enablement:This allows for selective activation of channels for data acquisition or excluding specific channels from the readout process.

  • Testing and Calibration: Perform testing and calibration procedures to verify the chip’s functionality and performance. This may include injecting known test signals or utilizing calibration sources to ensure accurate signal detection and measurement.

Serial Bus

Sci-Compiler includes a variety of serial bus components that allow you to interface with external devices using serial communication protocols. These components provide the necessary functionality to communicate with devices that use serial protocols, such as SPI, I2C, UART. I2C can be usd for example to interface with the temperature sensor while UART can be used to interface with the GPS modules or control motors.

Signal Generator

Sci-Compiler include a programmable signal generator capable to produce a wide range of waveforms. The signal generator can be used to test the board and the firmware. It can be used to test algorithm replacing the analog input. It is possible to generate both exponential and pulse signals.